Understanding Contract Machining

Introduction to Contract Machining

Welcome to a deep dive into the world of contract machining, a journey that takes us through the intricacies of a service essential to industries far and wide. At Anco Precision Inc., we’re not just participants in this field; we’re innovators, dedicated to pushing the boundaries of precision and quality. Contract machining is our craft, a discipline we’ve honed over four decades, serving an array of sectors from marine to aerospace with unwavering dedication. Join us as we explore this fascinating world from our unique perspective.

Understanding Contract Machining

Contract machining is more than a service; it’s a partnership where we, as a specialized machine shop, produce parts or complete products for other businesses. This collaboration is guided by detailed agreements specifying the quantity, quality, and timelines, ensuring that every project’s unique requirements are met with precision.

Why Contract Machining?

In our years of operation, we’ve seen firsthand the transformative impact contract machining can have on businesses. It allows companies, especially those with limited resources or specialized needs, to focus on their core competencies while we handle the complexities of production. This symbiosis fosters innovation, efficiency, and, ultimately, growth.

Services Offered by Anco Precision Inc.

Our expertise isn’t confined to a single aspect of machining. Whether it’s CNC milling, turning, rapid prototyping, or screw machining, our facility is equipped with state-of-the-art technology manned by skilled technicians passionate about their craftsmanship. This diversity in service offering allows us to cater to a broad spectrum of industries and project requirements.

CNC Machining Excellence

At the heart of our operations lies CNC machining, a domain where our precision and innovation truly shine. Our advanced equipment and seasoned machinists combine to turn intricate designs into tangible products, meeting the stringent demands of sectors as critical as aerospace and medical with ease.

Benefits of Working With Anco Precision Inc.

Choosing Anco Precision Inc. for your contract machining needs isn’t just a decision for quality; it’s a step towards a partnership that values your business’s success as much as you do. Our commitment to precision and excellence ensures that your projects are not just completed but are crafted to exceed expectations.

Cost Efficiency

One of the fundamental advantages we offer is cost efficiency. Our investment in technology and process optimization means we can deliver superior quality without the premium price tag. This allows our clients to allocate resources more effectively, enhancing their competitive edge.

Quality Assurance

Quality isn’t just a goal; it’s our guarantee. With rigorous quality control processes in place and a relentless pursuit of perfection, we ensure that every piece leaving our shop meets the highest standards. This dedication to quality has been a cornerstone of our reputation and a key reason clients continue to trust us with their most critical projects.

A Case Study in Success

In one memorable project, we partnered with an emerging medical device company facing the challenge of producing highly complex components. Our collaborative approach, combined with our technical expertise, not only met but exceeded their expectations, paving the way for a product that’s now making waves in healthcare.

Choosing the Right Contract Machining Partner

Embarking on a contract machining project is a significant decision, one that requires careful consideration. At Anco Precision Inc., we believe in transparency, collaboration, and mutual respect. Our advice to potential clients is always to look for these values in their machining partner, ensuring a fruitful and long-lasting collaboration.

Questions to Ask

  • “How will our intellectual property be protected?”
  • “What kind of pricing transparency do you offer?”
  • “Who will act as our dedicated point of contact?”
  • “What processes are in place to maximize efficiency and ensure quality?”


Contract machining is a realm of limitless possibilities, a space where ideas become tangible realities. At Anco Precision Inc., we’ve built our legacy on the principles of precision, quality, and customer satisfaction. Our doors are always open to those looking to bring their visions to life through the magic of machining. Reach out to us, and let’s create something remarkable together.

A Case Study in Success

What does a contract manufacturer do?

As part of the team here at Anco Precision Inc., I can tell you that a contract manufacturer, in essence, serves as an extended factory for businesses lacking the resources or capabilities to produce their parts or products in-house. We step in to fill that gap, using our expertise and specialized equipment to manufacture items according to our clients’ specifications. This service isn’t just about machining; it’s about offering a partnership where we handle the nuances of production so our clients can focus on their core business without worrying about the complexities of manufacturing.

For example, imagine you’re a startup developing an innovative medical device. You have the vision and the design, but not the machinery or the technical know-how to produce it. That’s where companies like ours come in. We take your designs and turn them into high-quality, tangible products, enabling you to bring your innovations to the market faster and more efficiently than if you were to attempt manufacturing them on your own.

What is an example of a contract manufacturer?

Let me give you a real-world scenario that we at Anco Precision Inc. have experienced. A few years back, a client in the aerospace industry approached us with a challenge. They needed complex components for a new aircraft, but these parts required precision machining that they couldn’t achieve in-house. We collaborated closely with their team, understanding their needs and specifications, and successfully produced the components that met their rigorous standards. This project is a prime example of what contract manufacturers do–turning concepts into reality, all while maintaining the highest quality standards.

What are the disadvantages of contract manufacturing?

While contract manufacturing offers numerous benefits, there are some potential drawbacks worth considering. One of the main concerns is the risk of intellectual property theft or misuse, particularly when working with manufacturers in countries with lax IP laws. There’s also the challenge of maintaining quality control over products manufactured outside your direct supervision. At Anco Precision Inc., we mitigate these concerns through transparent communication, rigorous quality assurance processes, and strict adherence to confidentiality agreements. It’s crucial for businesses to carefully select their manufacturing partners and establish clear, mutual expectations from the start.

What is contract manufacturing also known as?

Contract manufacturing is often referred to as outsourcing. When you hear someone talking about outsourcing in the context of production, they’re usually referring to the practice of hiring external firms like Anco Precision Inc. to handle all aspects of manufacturing, from prototyping to full-scale production. This terminology highlights the essence of the service – extending your company’s capabilities by leveraging external expertise and facilities.

Why is choosing the right contract machining partner crucial?

Choosing the right partner is not just about who can offer the lowest quote. It’s about finding a manufacturer that aligns with your values, understands your industry’s specific challenges, and demonstrates genuine commitment to your success. A good partner, such as Anco Precision Inc., offers more than just machining services; we offer peace of mind. We understand that the components we’re crafting are often vital to the operation or functionality of your products. Therefore, we don’t just see ourselves as your vendor but as a vested partner in your project’s success. The right partner will help you navigate potential pitfalls, offer valuable insights from their experience, and be transparent about capabilities and limitations from the outset.

How can clients protect their intellectual property when working with a contract manufacturer?

Protecting intellectual property (IP) is a legitimate concern when entering into a contract manufacturing agreement. At Anco Precision Inc., we take your IP rights seriously and implement strict confidentiality measures to ensure your designs and proprietary information are safeguarded. However, beyond trusting your manufacturer, we advise taking legal steps such as signing nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) and ensuring your IP rights are well-documented and registered. Additionally, working with a manufacturer that has a good reputation and a track record of respecting client IP can significantly reduce these risks.


  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) – The NIST website provides valuable information on standards, technology, and innovation in various industries.
  • MachiningCloud – MachiningCloud is a platform that offers a wide range of resources for the machining industry, including tooling data, CAD models, and more.
  • Purdue University – Purdue University’s website offers insights into engineering, technology, and manufacturing processes.