Industrial & Manufacturing


Universities/Schools are public or private institutions that have dedicated themselves to research and higher education. Whenever they need a machine shop Anco will be there. Once schooling is completed you can receive a degree in the field in which you studied. Universities/ Schools are regarded as corporations that provide a service, graduate and undergraduate degrees, which can be viewed as products. Sometimes these ‘products’ require the help and assistance of a company like Anco precision machining.

The word university stems from Latin and means a community of scholars. The Latin word was originally used in reference to institutions in Western Europe that granted degrees to their pupils. From here it is believed that these institutions of higher learning spread throughout the world. A main idea of Universities/ Schools lies with academic freedom.

This has been associated with Universities/Schools since the first university was established in Bologna in the 1150’s. It was there that students were allowed to study and research any field that caught their interest. After the medieval university we find modern, research oriented Universities/Schools. Numerous new ideas were blossoming and aided in the creation of these open minded institutions of learning. In the early 1800’s universities began publishing their research and new found information in the form of journals. Up until the early 1800’s religion was a major focus of Universities/Schools. Later the in the 19th century the focus shifted to that of the sciences and arts just as universities were becoming more and more accessible to the public. There are many different types of universities today.

A popular form of higher education in the world today is the national university. The national university is created and funded by a state or nation. Many national universities focus lies on the local culture and political ideas of the country it is in. The organization of Universities/Schools is relatively the same wherever you go. Nearly all of them will have a board of trustees, president, vice-president and deans of various departments of study. They are also divided up into different academic departments and schools. For instance, a Department of Journalism or School of natural sciences would common on university campuses.

A public university is controlled by boards of higher education which oversee budgets and decide the amount of funding allotted to each department or school. The decision to cut funding and the opening of new department rests solely with the board of trustees. Private Universities/ Schools are privately founded and hold a higher degree of independence over curriculum and budget. Many institutions in the U.S. remain some of the most respected in the world. It is important to us here at Anco precision machining that all our clients receive the highest in quality service standards.