Industrial & Manufacturing


A lab is a controlled facility where space is provided for scientific research, experiments and many other sensitive means of measurements can be conducted. Anco precision machining can help make the sensitive instrumentation needed for such experiments. The formal word for lab is laboratory, which is used in many different professions and fields of study. Some of them include; the computer lab, a medical lab and clandestine labs for the use in the manufacturing of illegal drugs. In recent times various government and private institutions dedicated to innovation in learning, leadership and organization have began to use the word lab in their names to help put an emphasis on the experiments and research focus of their work.

Science labs can be found all over the world in association with schools, universities, numerous industries, in accordance with the government, military facilities, on research ships and vessels and even on spacecraft (like the international space station just to name one). A lab can accommodate a single scientist or researcher and up to more than thirty, depending on its size, purpose and operating budget. Labs can take on many different layouts and shapes depending on the size and purpose. A metallurgical lab will be filled with castings and metal refining instruments while a physics lab would be filled with vacuum chambers and particle accelerators and numerous other sensitive instruments needed for such studies.

Sometimes labs require special machines and custom equipment for research. Anco machining has a wide variety of machines and techniques that could be useful for such purposes. And the other side of the spectrum labs can look and feel totally different. For instance, a psychologist lab might have two-way mirrors and hidden cameras for the observation of subjects and participants in varying psychological studies and experiments. Some entire computer science labs consist only of one super computer for the collection and analysis of data. Many different types of labs exist as the list could go on for days. Some features can actually be found in most labs.

Nearly all scientists and researchers use work benches and counter tops to stand or sit at while conducting experiments and composing data. Cabinets will no doubt compose part of the lab as well for the storage of equipment, gauges and other sensitive or large devices.

In older labs you would find notebooks where the scientist would record his or her findings. Today this is near obsolete seeing that all labs are equipped with at least one computer station. Many instruments found inside your common science lab would have been easily identified by scientists’ decades earlier. As new technology continues its exponential progression Anco precision machining will continue to assist in any way possible.