Industrial & Manufacturing


Aerospace contains the atmosphere of Earth and the surrounding outer-space. So, it’s pretty big. That’s where Anco precision machining comes in. We offer a wide variety of machining processes that can be used in aerospace. The word is usually used in reference to the industry which deals with the research, design, manufacturing, operation of various vehicles moving through the air and space. Aerospace is an extremely eclectic field with tons of commercial, military, industrial and private sectors. With that said it must be reiterated that Aerospace is not the same word and meaning as ‘airspace’ which is used when describing the air space directly above a certain place on the ground.

The Aerospace field has been thoroughly studied and analyzed by man for thousands of years however the Aerospace industry first began back in 1903 when the Wright brothers took flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Since that day the industry has become one of the fastest growing and advancing in the country and world. The advanced machining techniques available at Anco precision machining can help you stay ahead of the competition. Aerospace has evolved (in a relatively short amount of time) from hot air balloons and cloth planes to jet technology and the mega corporations like Lockheed Martin and Boeing of today.

Manufacturing in the aerospace field involves new ground breaking technologies that produce missiles, aircraft, jet engines, rockets and original parts. A large portion of the Aerospace industry is reserved for government contracts. Each company or corporation that is involved in the manufacturing of original parts is assigned a government code name so their work can monitored and traced around the globe. One of the fattest growing US industries remains the Aerospace parts business which encompasses the manufacturing and sale of new and used parts in military and private sectors. The US uses a special system for the resale of airplane parts.

These corporations are audited every few months and must make sure that certain safety precautions and overhaul methods are maintained. Once these parts are repaired or refurbished supply and demand deals takes care of the pricing index. If airlines find themselves with Aircraft on ground (AOG) the market for certain hard to get parts can skyrocket. Most governmental work is sub-contracted to smaller, independently owned and operated US companies. These companies manufacture, overhaul and repair various types of parts for the private, commercial and military areas. The US government invests billion of dollars every year for the development of the Aerospace industry.

The amount of government military contract work has nearly tripled in the last decade due to the escalating situations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The US Government also has pacts with certain countries, like Israel, for our American made aerospace products.